Monday, May 5, 2008


One day we were watching PBS and a commercial
for ELMO live came on. The kids didnt see it but
I thought they would enjoy it. SO away we went.
We didnt tell them where we were going just that
it was a fun surprise. When we were walking in
Kason kept thinking we were going to monster
trucks again. We found our seats and as soon as
we sat down it started. The first thing was Elmo
and Big Bird came out onto the stage. The look
on the kids face was so funny. It was a pretty
fun time. They were both dying to go back the next day.

Now when you're looking at these pictures
remember that I'm not a photographer
and the lighting was terrible. But you get
the main idea!

Kason and his cousins waiting!

Jayli just as Elmo came out

If you click on them they will get a little bigger
so you can see them a tiny bit better.


Michelle said...

How fun!! I'm sure they loved it!

Ashley said...

That looks like so much fun!!!

Aimee said...

Wow, you guys are ALWAYS on the move! Elmo live would be a great thing at our house too!