Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Anyone else need a cow?

The other day we were out of milk and Kason said to me "mom we should get a cow" when I asked him how come he said "cause we're all out of !milk, and if we had a cow, we could just make our own!" Maybe a cow isn't that bad of an idea, then maybe it would keep all the weeds down in the backyard!


Anonymous said...

Oh how cute!! I swear you should write a book with all of his cute little sayings in it!!

D'On Marx said...

LOL...that falls under the category of 'kids say the darndest things'. That's pretty creative, too.

The Becker Bunch said...

I want chickens some day...why not throw a cow in there!!:) SO cute!!

Tara said...

I asked for a cow for Christmas last year. We go through a gallom of milk every day and it's getting expensive! Needless to say, I didn't get a cow. Bummer!