Sunday, April 5, 2009


So who doesn't love ladybugs right? Well do you know where they come from? I didn't...ohh but now I do. So we had these crazy annoying bugs in the backyard. I told Kasey to kill them all while he was out mowing the lawn, but he didn't! So I kinda forgot about them until one day I looked out the window while I was doing dishes and I see this.....

from inside the house I can see something stuck to the little play thing. I go out there and it is these bugs....ugggg I was so annoyed. I go back in the house and then the next day I go out to the back yard again to check it out. I realize that they are turning into lady bugs and they are

on a bike...


covering the whole handle of a shovel......

and they are LADYBUGS!!! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?????

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Wow, that's totally crazy.