Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tuesday already!

Yesterday Kason was dying to make a treat. So we made cupcakes. They were so excited that they got to put candy on them, he had a hard time stopping himself. He was so proud of his cupcakes but he would NOT let me take a picture of him. He had to do all the picture taking.
He did let me take a picture of the race track that he painted though.

Jayli insisted on wearing her dance outfit yesterday. She loves this thing. I guess I should put her in a dance class! I just noticed that she has her lipstick in her hand.


D'On Marx said...

She is so dang cute!! Yum on the cupcakes. I've been wanting to bake some. I should do it. I have TONS of Halloween candy decor.

Ashley said...

Those cupcakes look tasty. I love Halloween and the treats involved with the holiday.

Tara said...

I didn't get a chance to blog about it (maybe later) but ever since the Olympics gymnastics competitions, the twins wouldn't wear anything but dance clothes for about 2 weeks. It was getting embarrassing to drop Hannah off at school with them dressed in dance/gymnastics clothes everyday! One mom even asked me if we come straight from dance class!

Jayli looks adorable! Such a girly girl with her lipstick in hand! Too cute!!