Friday, February 27, 2009

A little bit about Jayli!

Jayli, Jayli, Jayli....Where would I even begin. She is such a character. There are a few things that she is totally obsessed with.
1. Cinderella
2. Her blue dress (see below)
3. Make up and purses
4. Dress up shoes
5. Princesses
6. Tea parties
7. Babies

This little Miss. thinks that she is Cinderella. She knows the whole movie and can tell you any part you would like. Her favorite scenes include: Gus Gus hiding under the tea cups, "Lucifer...get over here", "Cinderelle make a fire",and putting the glass slipper on her foot. She will just be playing and then come over to me, sit down on the floor and make me put her slipper on. then she says "It fits perfect, I am Cinderella" or she will be walking with her tea tray full of a tea party and drop it when she finds out that the prince is looking for her. My favorite is when she crumbles up a bunch of chips or crackers or something to make and mess, throws it all over the floor and says "breakfast is served" to all her little mice friends. Ohhh the imagination.

My mom made her this blue dress last year and she wants to wear it everyday. She wore it pretty much all winter long. Sometimes I would convince her to wear a shirt under it or tights but most of the time I didn't win. She just loves it. And she is so excited that Grandma has made her a new dress, and it even has a matching purse and a dress just like hers for her baby. Doesn't get much better than that!
Jayli loooooooooooves makeup. Doesn't matter if its mine or hers she just loves the stuff. One day after a huge fight to get her to go to the car so we could go to the store, I finally got out of her why she was so upset. She told me "mommy, I'm not pretty yet, I don't have my make-up on" Oh no.......I cant imagine what she will be like in a few years. And she does such a great job doesn't she? Who wouldn't want her to help with their makeup. She just loves her purses, she has about 6 of them. Whenever she has a purse with her, you can count on her having a few regulars inside. Lipstick (lipsmackers), a comb, a mirror, a princess, a magic wand, and her camera. Never leave home without your magic wand.

Jayli has a pair of Cinderella dress up shoes. She has to wear them along with her blue dress everyday. She wears them to the store, to play, to church (yes, I'm that mom that lets her wear play shoes to church. If that is our only fight of the morning,I'm not gonna insist I win!) Yesterday her cousin was over and as she was leaving they have to run down the street and "race" them as they are leaving. Well they were getting ready to leave and she runs back into the house saying I need my slippers. She comes back out and takes off running down the street in her heels. She is much better in them than I am.

Princesses. Anything that has a princess on it, looks like a princess, or if you can trick her into thinking its a princess. Doesn't matter. She just loves her princesses! Here is a picture of her bed spread that she picked out.

Who doesn't love a good tea party. She is all of a sudden into making ice cream in her tea cups. If you just fill them up with water and put them into the freezer, it makes ice cream! Who knew.

She is the best little mommy to her babies. She loves her babies so much. Grandpa Ellis has made her a bed and then this year for Christmas she got a highchair from him. She will sit in her room for hours just playing babies. She feeds them,then rocks them and puts them to bed. Then she will just sit in her chair and watch them. It's so sweet.
Girls are wayyyy too much fun, we love you Jayli!!!

1 comment:

Lamb Family said...

She is so cute! I can't wait for the days of girl things with Macy!