Thursday, May 14, 2009


**Ok my mom brought it to my attention that I had already blogged just pass by this one...I left this one though instead cause I put down all the details**

So, Jayli was the first of the Taylor clan to have to get stitches. It was a terrible night. We had been over to Kari and Tracy's house playing. We were just getting ready to leave and when Kasey went to tell Jayli it was time to go he found her bleeding in the living room. She was still doing the "I cant breath cause I'm going to start screaming" thing. When she finally started breathing she was not a happy girl. We got the bleeding stopped and then realized it was pretty deep. We decided it would be best to take a quick (yeah right, we live in Vegas remember) trip to the ER. Kason stayed at Karis house to play with Kaci and her friends. We got there at about 10:30 on Saturday night. She had fallen asleep on the way there and woke up to the triage nurse (who was great) talking to her. He checked her out and had us sit and wait for our name to be called. They had Horton hears a who playing and so she was entertained by that for a while. They finally called us back and took us right into a room. I was thinking....sweet we will be out of here in no time!! HA!!! RIGHT! The Dr finally came in and measured...she said it would need stitches. She had said if it was under 1mm then she wouldn't need them but it was almost 2. So again, we wait and wait and wait. By this time it is like 1:30 and Jayli finally falls asleep on the bed. They told us that they were going to put her in the papoose board while they give her the numbing shot. They told us that only one of us could stay in the room so me and Trevin (who slept like an angle the entire time) chose to leave. We just went right outside the room thinking they would close the door, which they didn't so I could hear her screaming the entire time. She kept screaming, "daddy, go and get mommy" it was heart breaking. It only took them about 5 minutes from start to finish and then she was so happy to see me. Poor little thing. We finally got home at 2:30 and went to pick Kason up. It was quite the adventure, one we hope to not take again for a long long time...if ever!

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