Monday, December 31, 2007

The Wedding!

Kyle and Danielle asked Kason to be the ring bearer for their wedding on the 29th! At first he was excited since he already knew the plan from Scott and Brittneys wedding, then he decided he didn't want to do it. We (well actually just me) took him to get fitted for his mini tux. Sounds fun huh.....NOPE it was a nightmare. Jayli fell asleep on the way so I was trying to hold her. We had to wait a bit for some help since it was packed so I finally layed Jayli down on the couch. Perfect!! Then the girl came out and did all the measuring, this part was ok. Then she brought out all the pieces and he insisted on going into the dressing room. Strange since he doesn't care who sees him in his undies. So the girl helping us told me she would watch Jayli for me so I didn't have to try and hold her and change him. So we get in there and he doesn't want to wear ANY OF IT. But we finally get it all tried on and then we're on our way back home. In the car I asked him "Why were you acting like that" his response....."I have ants in my tummy again, and they didn't want me to wear those clothes, so they made me cranky....I'm sorry mommy. The ants are gone now, so I wont be cranky anymore!" What the........
So then we're getting ready for the wedding on Saturday and he is insisting on wearing his new race car shoes. So we tell him that he can wear them until we get there then he needs to wear the other ones. Luckily he agrees. On the way there he tells me "I don't want to be in Kyles wedding, I want to be in MY wedding!"
Once we got there and we were getting him all dressed everyone kept telling him how cute he looked. At first he would say "No I don't" but then I think he started to like it. He would walk up to someone and just look at them with his hands in his pockets and wait for them to say how cute he was. He did a great job during the wedding, and even wore his tux..minus the jacket for the whole open house.
Then when we were getting ready for church yesterday and he was insisting on wearing his wedding clothes. I wish we would have kept them so he could wear it. We left it with Koni so should could return it for us. are some pictures of the little stud all dressed up!

On our way to the wedding!

Daddy helping him get all ready!
All ready except the shoes.
This is where he started to like all the attention he was getting.
Waiting to go in with Jayli and Jordyn

Not quite sure what to do now....He thought his Daddy was going to be walking with him

Giving the rings to Kyle


Allison said...

What a little pimp. So cute!

Lamb Family said...

He looks so cute! Thanks for coming over this weekend it was alot of fun to see you! I am glad you had a fun christmas! It was so much fun to get the kids together Ty loved it!

Michelle said...

What a handsome little guy! What a funny story! So I linked you to my blog so I can see your cute stuff. I am not so good with facebook so don't feel bad I didn't write back to you there - I don't know how it even works :) I like my blog MUCH better!