Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So I am thinking its about time to go private. I am just wondering for all of you who are private what you think about it. I really don't want to only because its so fun to stumble across someone you know and then to have them be private is kinda annoying, but I just don't really know who out there is reading. So give me some input about what you have found!


Dana, Proud mommy to 4 said...

I have thought about going private but I'm like you I hate stumbling upon someone I know only for it to be private. why would you make it private? Are there reasons? when I thought about it I just was thinking it would be better but when I sat down that was my only reason so I decieded not to.

The Beals said...

I feel the same. Its hard. My aunt got an email from some strange person with broken english... how they even got her email address is strange.. its no-where on her blog.. but this person said that she enjoys looking at their family blog, enjoys seeing the kids pictures, loves the family activities they do together... AND SHE HAD BEEN FOLLOWING THEM FOR MONTHS!!!! That kind of freaks me out!!! I go back and forth myself.... hard to know!!

The Beals said...

Let me clarify... she had been following the blog for months... not stalking the family!!!

Jen & George Scott said...

Hey Steph, I have been thinking the same things. I go back and forth. It is frustrating. By the way...How darling is Trevin!!! He is sooo cute.

Michelle said...

i'm going private soon as well. If you do I would love to keep following.

Charlotte See said...

I'm torn on going private. One thing I did was remove the Blogger bar running across the top of my blog (Search Blog, Flag Blog, Next Blog) so that you need to have the address to actually access blog.

April said...

what you could do is just create a separate blog name ( maybe?) that you would make private and then leave a message on this blog for people to email you to get an invitation to view the new blog. Either way I would love to be able to keep following you and your cute family!

Cammie said...

It's a hard decision. I don't like having to log into private blogs, but I know you have to do what's best for your family!!

J.R. and Tammy said...

I probably would never have connected with you if you hadn't stumbled across my blog so I am all for public. Just watch what you put out there for people to read, like personal information and stuff. It's still hard to say though. I figure I have a better chance of something bad happening at Walmart than a blogstalker showing up at my house!

It all started with a Kiss... said...


I don't know if you remember me from high school or not. I'm sure you remember Cameron. Anyway I just stumbled across your blog today and I was reading your posts. I noticed this one and I thought I would tell you what I decided to do because it has worked out for me SO GOOD!!! I just did what Cammie said and I made a default page. I've still been able to get in contact with a lot of people, but I don't have to worry about people knowing all about my little family. I LOVE IT!!!

Good luck deciding.

Your family is SO CUTE!!!
